
Friday, December 11, 2009

I consider to make a digital magazine for my final project. I'm going to design this digital magazine by use different sections, such as fashion, health, travel,ect. The php function will be used as well. PHP will ask users to log in for different section. Also, the video, flash and 3-D animation will be used.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Hey, reading week is coming! But I don't have a break because there are one, two, three, four assignments waiting for me. Anyway, today, after I finished my part-time job, I got a chance to use George's D90 camera to shot some pictures. lol, I was really surprised by my shooting skills, there were really good! Let me show you some of them...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Sometimes I'm really homesick! When I sad, sick, under pressure, I really want back to my hometown as soon as possible! Today, I think I've nearly been killed by my stomachache... And it's still raining, I feel so cold! I know it is cold as well as in Shanghai, but even it's cold, it still want go back home and stay with my families!

I've found a very nice picture on internet, and then I change it from JEPG 2 GIF. It's shining now! It is a star and shining in my heart forever!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

during the video production class...

We've real learned something from lecturer! It's an very interesting class~Today, we went to the river beside the Portobello College and did some shooting praticse! Here is some some video which shooted by my own little DV ..^^..

I've found some nice pictures

And I wish one day I can have the similar shooting skills! I wish....